I am total newbie, I looked at the wiki page but all information I found: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Cycle_routes is not applicable to what I see on a screen when editing the map. Here is the problem -- I edited the map, I found the appropriate road, I changed the type to "Bicycles allowed" and I added relation to bicycle local route (and created is as well, because there was none). However, when establishing relation there are three symbols without any hints or explanation:
Could someone please explain the meaning of those symbols? Update, now I guess it might be a direction of the route in relation to the road. |
Yes, you're right, it's the direction of the route in relation to that of the road. For most cases you'll want to leave it as the "both ways" setting. Thank you very much for your help!
(22 Aug '12, 13:07)
The ways making up the route are members of a relation. A member of a relation may have an role. In your case the following roles are editable in Potlatch:
Would it be possible to add a permalink (using the link in the bottom-right-hand-corner of the map) to the area concerned?
Also, if possible, a screenshot (or part of one) showing where these symbols appear?
@SomeoneElse, I added a screenshot, because it is easier for readers. On the left you can see Cycle tab, and for that track I added a route "Czerwony szlak". On the right of the name there is small combo with those 3 symbols I mentioned.