At I have a scrub, where within there are some open areas with landuse=meadow (clearly visible in the data inspector). The scrub (way 85074083) is outer on relation 1270018, with 7 ways being inner in this relation, but they don't show up on mapnik. I don't have problems putting holes in forests though. On the other hand, shows a church inside a graveyard, but the graveyard is also over the church, even though I also made it a hole in the graveyard's releation. I don't see any difference (in tagging) to where it is rendered correctly. What am I doing wrong/what am I not seeing? |
You haven't tagged the relations correctly. For the scrub relation and the graveyard/church relation, they don't have any tags at all, though the ways that are part of them are tagged correctly.
You have to tag the relations as Then the renderer will know it is a multipolygon relation, with separate outer and inner parts, and show it correctly. See the wiki page for details: Relation:multipolygon
The second example graveyard/church relation is tagged as Thanks for the explanation. Apparently, in woods the renderer renders holes just fine, so I didn't see the need for the multipolygon there. Don't remember how I did that for the one graveyard where it was already ok... It renders OK now, but here (in the center) the big area is tagged as wood=confierous,landuse=forest, but is not rendered as such... One other difference in the graveyards was the other one that worked was tagged cemetary. Once changed to grave_yard, making a hole doesn't work as expected anymore.
(13 Nov '10, 10:25)
Alexander Ro...