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I have written the html code to load local tiles on OSM Map, it works fine in html page but when I put the same code in jsp page the url to load local tiles shows as IndiaMap///.png instead of IndiaMap/0/0/0.png I have written the code as: var newLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("LocalTiles", "IndiaMap/${z}/${x}/${y}.png", {numZoomLevels: 4, alpha: true, isBaseLayer: true});

asked 21 Aug '12, 12:09

Niki%20Kallurwar's gravatar image

Niki Kallurwar
accept rate: 0%

closed 24 Aug '12, 08:55

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image



Could you join your question with this one :

Seems a student class having to do the same homework ;)

(21 Aug '12, 12:12) Pieren

I have written the html code to load local tiles on OSM Map, it works fine in html page but when I put the same code in jsp page the url to load local tiles shows as IndiaMap///.png instead of IndiaMap/0/0/0.png I have written the code as: var newLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("LocalTiles", "IndiaMap/${z}/${x}/${y}.png", {numZoomLevels: 4, alpha: true, isBaseLayer: true});

please suggest any solution for this issue

(22 Aug '12, 05:24) Niki Kallurwar

The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question" by NicolasDumoulin 24 Aug '12, 08:55

Check the same question asked by Reshma Maner at the same time as yourself and follow the thread on the mailing list:

Guys, next time, when you work on the same student project, try to communicate with each other before asking three times the same question to the community (on this help site and mailing lists)...

permanent link

answered 23 Aug '12, 11:52

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 21 Aug '12, 12:09

question was seen: 4,020 times

last updated: 24 Aug '12, 08:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum