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There seems to be a problem today with uploaded gps-tracks. Usually they are ready to edit in less than 5 minutes, today it takes forever. on the main page of "all gps-tracks" there are many many uploaded tracks that are still "pending" (in red writing), although some of them were uploaded about 2 hours ago.

What seems to be the problem here, and when can I expect it to be fixed, to include my edits?

asked 21 Aug '12, 09:05

moszkva%20ter's gravatar image

moszkva ter
accept rate: 17%

closed 21 Aug '12, 10:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦

Hi, the server still seems to be 'lagging' - tracks from yesterday are still not processed. Sorry, but have looked at IRC & need a course in how to use it?

(22 Aug '12, 07:58) Tallguy

The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by Frederik Ramm 21 Aug '12, 10:16

GPS tracks are imported by a background process which may become stuck once in a while; in which case it makes sense to either wait until it gets fixed, or try to raise the admins on IRC. This help system is not a good channel for bug reports or problems that require an immediate response.

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answered 21 Aug '12, 10:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 21 Aug '12, 10:41

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


Please un-close this question. Even your answer suggests it's something likely to happen more than once, so the question is valid and the answer should explain what to do if the circumstances arise again.

Sure, the help system isn't a good place for time-critical responses, but it's a perfect place to explain what you should be doing (i.e. use IRC) in the circumstances.

(21 Aug '12, 10:59) Andy Allan

I am not feeling comfortable in this irc, too confusing where to ask. or should I just shout around the room?

Is there an alternative way to ask such questions, e.g. an e-mail-address?

BTW, still no tracks integrated into the database, and now it is already nearly 24 hours...

(22 Aug '12, 07:28) moszkva ter

Yes, just ask your question on IRC right away and hopefully somebody will answer.

There are also mailing lists, talk is most of the time the right place to ask.

(22 Aug '12, 07:44) scai ♦

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question asked: 21 Aug '12, 09:05

question was seen: 3,711 times

last updated: 22 Aug '12, 07:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum