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I would like to from an address generate a long/lat is this possible?

I can see it's possible to do the opposite Reverse Geocoding / Address lookup.

asked 11 Nov '10, 17:20

Haniff's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Sure that is possible if the address is mapped. One possible way of doing it is using nominatims "search" function. For documentation how to do that see the wikipage on nominatim. If only the streetname is mapped but without house numbers your lat/lon might be off a bit.

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answered 12 Nov '10, 06:56

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Possibilities for reverse geocoding might be given by the use of Nominatim. See there the section about "Reverse Geocoding / Address lookup".

But you want the coordibates of a certain address? Then you have to meka sure that the given address is a certain point like a node in the OSM data. What coordinates should be given when no housenumbers are present in the OSM data, or the address is tagged to a (big) building?

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answered 11 Nov '10, 18:25

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 11 Nov '10, 18:29

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question asked: 11 Nov '10, 17:20

question was seen: 20,057 times

last updated: 12 Nov '10, 06:56

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