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I uploaded an openstreetmap file for my Garmin Nuvi and renamed it to gmapprom as instructed by a video on Youtube. However I have lost a lot of the routing. For instance it now doesn't do postcodes, it doesn't know where Gloucester is and so on. It was so bad I had to go back to the old map which works correctly.

asked 19 Aug '12, 12:12

Malc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Aug '12, 14:17

Sanderd17's gravatar image


This is most likely not an OSM issue, but a Garmin issue.

Garmin has always refused to tell us how their files are build up. Some developers have found ways to make Garmin files from OSM data, but these are far from good.

There are ways to get routing into the maps though. But that depends on who compiled the Garmin files. Can you tell us where you got those files?

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answered 19 Aug '12, 14:16

Sanderd17's gravatar image

accept rate: 31%

I got them from To be fair having read his FAQ it does say that the routing function is n't as good as the commercial ones.

(19 Aug '12, 17:01) Malc

The nĂ¼vi seems to be mostly untested. you can report it to the website owner that you model doesn't work good with it, and meanwhile, you can also install some maps from although they ars mare general (the whole world is compiled), they are also tested for more devices.

(19 Aug '12, 18:27) Sanderd17

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question asked: 19 Aug '12, 12:12

question was seen: 5,331 times

last updated: 19 Aug '12, 20:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum