Hi, I saw some bollards at an entrance and tagged most of them. I don't like the view of the row, its just too much detail. Coordinates 5.08254,52.02437, I wonder if some (1 - 3) will do and make the same impression. Is there a protocol for in OSM ? |
OSM does not only provide a single map. It provides a database that can be used for very different maps or applications. Therefore, it is generally not a good idea to build abstractions into the data based on how it looks on one map. What looks like too much detail on zoom 18 might be very useful on a future zoom 19, or in a realistic 3D rendering. So if you represent the bollards as individual dots, you should clearly go for the correct number. I would like to point out an alternative approach, though: barrier=bollard can also be used on ways, to represent a row of bollards. This would leave it to the renderer to choose the appropriate abstraction for each render style and zoom level. Hi Tordanik, good morning. Thanks the last remark is a good one, there even more and if I want to tag them all Ill have to do some works outside and measure them all. Im able too, but Im not in for surveying the area for each bollard the more since GPS gives +- 4-6 m1. Theyre just there to keep the cars away from the entrance. Greetz Hendrik
(18 Aug '12, 00:42)
You don't need to log a POI for every single bollard to map them. When I have to map a row of bollards I collect the beginning, the end (which both you can also triangulate by other objects like traffic lights, building entrances, trees etc.) and the number of the bollards.
(31 Jul '14, 12:49)
Hi the search goes on, theres a similar situation at http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.75419&lon=-1.2577&zoom=16&layers=0B00FTT. With just one in the middle, one for all. So the question has been solved.
one in the middle is good if it's on the road it's blocking. It means something like "there are one or more bollards blocking this road, you can not pass here with a car".
When you tag it to a way, it means "there is a row of bollards here, you can't traverse it with a car".
And when you tag a single point in an open area as bollard, it just says "there is a bollard here". You can't know very well if you can drive between them with a car or not.
So one bollard on a way, and a way tagged as bollard are the best choices.