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Is it possible to visualize changesets from the map revision history somehow? I mean to see objects of both new and old revisions compared or view the new revision flashing over the the old one or something like that. Currently the changeset only lists and displays new nodes that were added if I am correct.

asked 10 Nov '10, 15:52

Kozuch's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

edited 13 Aug '11, 11:15

One tool for visualising changesets is OSM History Viewer (wiki page). It will generate a map, showing which objects were added, changed or removed in a changeset.

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answered 31 Dec '10, 19:11

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 12 Mar '14, 17:54

Kozuch's gravatar image


This service is great but could use some extra computing power (I takes quite some time to process often).

(12 Mar '14, 18:05) Kozuch

You are not correct, a changeset lists all changes. However it does not have enough information to plot it on a map because if e.g. a way tag is changed, the changeset does not necessarily contain all the way's nodes and thus it lacks information about the node geometry. Visualizing a changeset requires a local database with all OSM data.

There is a tool in SVN that plots the difference between two osm data sets, called osmdiff but I don't know of anything that actually plots a raw changeset.

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answered 10 Nov '10, 16:19

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Depending on what you want to do, you may find these tools handy:

ITO World OSM mapper

OWL: OpenStreetMap Watch List

They both let you look at map changes in an area over a certain period of time.

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answered 11 Nov '10, 11:14

GrahamS's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

As the previous answers are 3 years old, as a few services are not available anymore, and as I was looking for a few tools, here is my go at answering your question:

The closest I found to what you are/were looking for is the experimental OWL history tab that lets you have a look at the history of changesets in a zone, with clickable elements and tree-like view of changesets.

Hopefully there will soon be new fancy useful tools, or others will resuscitate somehow.

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answered 26 Aug '13, 14:22

stephane-guillou's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

(26 Aug '13, 15:03) Kozuch

it would be useful to have JOSM highlight additions and modifications (deletions are obviously more difficult) based on a OSM change file. or you can generate a find/filter string from a OSC file using XSLT.

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answered 31 Dec '10, 13:46

vibrog's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 10 Nov '10, 15:52

question was seen: 16,401 times

last updated: 12 Mar '14, 18:05

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