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The user [id:369028 name:Emree] added SPAM entries (wrong and nonsense). This includes non-existing streets, museum, theater, police station, fire department, pubs, parking, ...

Of course I can delete the wrong of his entrees (as long as I know they are really wrong). Since he created a lot, it may make more sense to delete everything created by this user. Is this acceptable and is it possible to delete the user account from Openstreetmap?

asked 10 Nov '10, 15:46

Jibber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Nov '10, 15:53

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦

Edits are always grouped in changesets. You can view the changesets by this user here:

It is relatively easy to revert a whole changeset if you are sure that everything in it is wrong. However, you should definitely first talk to the user in question, because very often it turns out that people didn't know they were editing "for real" and that their edits would go straight to the map. Often they are truly embarrassed when they hear this.

Also read the answer to the question "What should I do about Vandalism".

permanent link

answered 10 Nov '10, 15:57

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


Thanks for the link, Frederik. I did not had the idea to look for the tag 'vandalism'.

I contacted the user already and will now wait some time for a response. Hopefully he repairs the changes, otherwise I will do as you requested.

(10 Nov '10, 16:26) Jibber

"Hotel Mama" still exists on the map... I placed an OSB there but didn't look further in the edits

(23 Mar '13, 17:35) malenki

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question asked: 10 Nov '10, 15:46

question was seen: 5,967 times

last updated: 23 Mar '13, 17:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum