Hello guys, I quite fighting with OSM API v0.6 and upload GPX track task. I'm developing application for Android and trying to use this method. Firstly I though it should be a problem of login, so I changed login mechanism to OAuth. Anyway same result now. After selecting track and settings all parameters (description ('test'), tags ('test'), visibility ('public')), uploading always return 400 Bad Request, no content, no error message
exactly same track uploaded by web site works. Have someone any idea or any method how to test what is problem on OSM server? Thank you! |
Thats for all of those who came stumbling here |
after another fight-time, problem fixed - so just if anyone have same problem: seems like OSM server cannot correctly handle com.google.android.common.http.MultipartEntity object. Solution is to use Apache HttpComponents library and it's own implementation of MultipartEntity object. With this is no problem with posting GPX tracks Hey, i am facing a similar problem with C# could you please explain your solution in detail. Regards
(24 Oct '14, 14:03)
Hello Enthu, I'm worried, I can't help here more. Exact reason, why one solution work and second don't is not known to me. My solution was simply - I've changed library I used for different kind. So I can only suggest this to you. If you use any library for sending MutliPart objects over HTTP, then try different library.
(24 Oct '14, 14:25)
You should not use api.osm.org for testing and development. There is an instance of the api on a different database for that at api06.dev.openstreetmap.org
I know. I was testing upload on api06.dev ... but it also not worked. So I tried direct upload by web site also on this api06.dev... where it also not work!! compare to normal api.open ... where upload of same file works without problem (upload deleted, don't worry)
anyway same result on both sites