I have started entering the Appalachian Trail (a 2180 mile hiking trail in the eastern USA). I am looking for anyone else working on mapping the AT in order to have a consistent presentation. I have added the trail center line for the area maintained by the Natural Bridge Appalachian Trail Club. Johntrudy |
Looking at the Lonvia hiking map large stretches of the AT are already mapped. When you click on "Routes" in the bottom right corner and then on the name of the route, you can see the AT is mapped in sections per state. Click on one of the sections. At the top of the dialog, you can see a number. Clicking on it brings you to the "Browse" page of that relation. Here you can see how the relation is tagged. Via the "View history" link at the bottom, you can find which other mappers have been working on that section of the route. Thanks for the information. I had already created a relation and for the moment there are to routes "Appalachian Trail(VA)". When I try to reference the existing VA route 2007649 from one of my new segments, the relation editor shows no tags?
(13 Aug '12, 15:44)
Odd. They appear in this screenshot: To get to that I selected "advanced" below the member way, then double-clicked on the relation number. To see the raw tags in the relation I'd scroll down the "edit relation" box and select "advanced".
(13 Aug '12, 18:08)
SomeoneElse ♦
I changed the stretch that was part of relation 2345771 so that they're part of the main VA relation (2007649), and deleted the empty relation.
(13 Aug '12, 22:57)