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Hi all!

I've made a garmin map of the Piedmont in Italy, using base cartography (the CTRN) from which is under a CC-BY license, combined with extracts from OSM (mainly ways and POIs), and displayed the result using style and TYP files derived from original work used by map composer used for Is it permissible to use OSM data in such a combined work? I guess it must be, having seen other OSM-based GPS maps using, for example, contours from viewfinderpanoramas, but I'd like to be reassured. I'd like to distribute the map, and I want to be sure not to do something wrong which might get me into trouble.

The map displays copyright information for all the sources on the startup screen; it quotes the text requires for their data, contains OSM's notice in the form ' contributors, see:', and has the reference to the maker of the original style and TYP files (he's granted me permission to use the data under a CC BY license) which I have modified to fit my map. Is this display sufficient? Or do I need to put the copyright information somewhere else apart from the startup screen? And do I need to somehow put the license text into the map, or create some type of mechanism where the user has to accept the license to get the download? I was planning to just put it into my dropbox and give away the link.

asked 10 Aug '12, 19:57

kfj's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First of all, just because you see OSM used in a certain way, never assume that this indeed legally clean - many people use OSM without proper attribution, giving a wrong license, or combining it with incompatible data. The legal situation of the "viewfinderpanoramas" data itself is murky.

I think what you're doing is perfectly all right. The CC-BY-SA license mandates that credit be given in a manner appropriate to the medium, and I think in your case the splash screen is appropriate. Combining CC-BY and CC-BY-SA is also ok; however you must release the end product under CC-BY-SA (not CC-BY).

permanent link

answered 10 Aug '12, 20:22

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 10 Aug '12, 19:57

question was seen: 8,233 times

last updated: 10 Aug '12, 20:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum