Hi, I am new to OSM. I would like to know how can I generate the map of a track, then publish it, and use that specific map only in an android app, also use the same in a desktop Java application? Precisely to say, lets say, the track is a railway track. I want to map that track, and then use only the map of the tracks in my application, not the other city streets or anything else. Please tell me what I should follow or read. Links are appreciable. Thanks in advance. |
You need a map display program that uses mapa data that you can generate on your own. And that runs on both, Android and Desktop PC The only program that can do that is (as far as I know) Navit If you need a map with only railways, get an extract of your area from download.geofabrik.de and do a filtering with osmfilter or osmosis. Consult the OSM-wiki how to use them. what should be done if there is no map of the tracks? Can you please tell me how to develop that map from GPS and where to post or upload it? Tutorials will be helpful. Thanks for the reply. I will be looking into your answer. :)
(10 Aug '12, 17:33)
So you know where your railway track is, and it is not included in the map data on the main OSM server (that means you cannot see it on osm.org)? Then you can add that track to the general OSM data by the use of an OSM editor. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide and read and try, bit by bit. Or if you don't want to upload your track to the OSM server, create it with one of the offline OSM editors like JOSM or Merkaartor and save the data as an .osm file only to your harddisk. Then feed Navit's mapcreator (or try Osmand and its mapcreator) with your local .osm file.
(10 Aug '12, 18:25)
Thanks a lot stephan75 I am going through the links :)
(11 Aug '12, 16:29)