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Apologies if this has been raised before. I am trying to process UK county data. My interpretation of this wiki page is that the ceremonial county of Cornwall should be mainland Cornwall plus the Isles of Scilly, and the administrative county should be just mainland Cornwall.

What we seem to actually have, is as follows:

Relation 57537, boundary=administrative, admin_level=6, name=Cornwall
(Mainland Cornwall)

Relation 1987628, boundary=ceremonial, name=Cornwall
(JUST the Isles of Scilly - appears to EXCLUDE mainland Cornwall!)

Surely the ceremonial county should include mainland Cornwall - or am I misreading the data?
I'm very new to working with OpenStreetMap.

asked 03 Aug '12, 15:22

Dave's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You were correct and the data was wrong. I've added the administrative relation for Cornwall as a member to the ceremonial relation. I think this should be sufficient, rather than adding all the ways again, though I'm sure if I'm wrong someone will correct me both here and by correcting the ceremonial relation.

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answered 03 Aug '12, 15:31

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

Brilliant, what super-fast service! :-) Thanks, Ed.

(03 Aug '12, 15:35) Dave

sorry. it's nominatim, but i'm seeing openstreetmap in the reply ...

i was led astray by "ceremonial" in 2 of the 4 entries. i could not find "ceremonial" in a list of osm classes/types wiki, so that led me to start a search, which led me to, which led me to where i am now.

i reckon this is a nominatim issue. again, apologies for the false alarm. - go

{"place_id":"151140813","licence":"Data \u00a9 OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http:\/\/\/copyright", "osm_type":"relation","osm_id":"57537","boundingbox":["49.958607","50.9312729","-5.747106","-4.1649443"],"lat":"50.416667","lon":"-4.75", "display_name":"Cornwall, South West England, England, United Kingdom", "class":"boundary","type":"administrative","importance":0.77105547058049, "icon":"http:\/\/\/nominatim\/v1\/images\/mapicons\/poi_boundary_administrative.p.20.png", "address":{"county":"Cornwall","state_district":"South West England","state":"England","country":"United Kingdom","country_code":"gb"} }, {"place_id":"2619319494","licence":"Data \u00a9 OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http:\/\/\/copyright", "osm_type":"way","osm_id":"236692931","boundingbox":["49.8646365","49.8658219","-6.400583","-6.3983425"],"lat":"49.8652095","lon":"-6.3996633088785", "display_name":"Cornwall, England, United Kingdom", "class":"boundary","type":"ceremonial","importance":0.6, "address":{"address100":"Cornwall","state":"England","country":"United Kingdom","country_code":"gb"} }, {"place_id":"10995786","licence":"Data \u00a9 OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http:\/\/\/copyright", "osm_type":"node","osm_id":"1033733415","boundingbox":["51.4721608","51.4721608","-3.1898511","-3.1898511"],"lat":"51.4721608","lon":"-3.1898511", "display_name":"The Cornwall, Hereford Street, Grangetown, Cardiff, Wales, CF24, United Kingdom", "class":"amenity","type":"pub","importance":0.101,"icon":"http:\/\/\/nominatim\/v1\/images\/mapicons\/food_pub.p.20.png", "address":{"pub":"The Cornwall","road":"Hereford Street","suburb":"Grangetown","city":"Cardiff","county":"Cardiff","state":"Wales","postcode":"CF24","country":"United Kingdom","country_code":"gb"} }, {"place_id":"151362048","licence":"Data \u00a9 OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http:\/\/\/copyright", "osm_type":"relation","osm_id":"1987628","boundingbox":["49.8646365","50.9312729","-6.4189437","-4.1649443"],"lat":"50.4449717","lon":"-4.62297166029412", "display_name":"Cornwall, United Kingdom", "class":"boundary","type":"ceremonial","importance":0.101, "address":{"address100":"Cornwall","country":"United Kingdom","country_code":"gb"} }

(03 Jul '15, 16:18) drgottjr

Still the same issue, I'm afraid, as of July, 2015. Does it help any to know that way id 2619319494 and relation id 151362048 (both for Cornwall) are class=boundary, type=ceremonial?


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answered 03 Jul '15, 04:09

drgottjr's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Have you got the correct ids? Neither or seem to exist. Nor can I see anything immediately wrong with the two relations mentioned in the original question.

(03 Jul '15, 07:31) EdLoach ♦

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question asked: 03 Aug '12, 15:22

question was seen: 4,119 times

last updated: 03 Jul '15, 18:56

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