In South Tyrol, roads that are under the supervision of the province are named SP (Strada Provinciale) in italian, and LS (Landesstraße) in german. Roads under the supervision of the comune are named SC (Strada Comunale) or GS (Gemeindestraße). Now I know that I can use name:de and name:it to specify names in multiple languages, but is this also possible for refs? Current use seems to be to write LS/SP 123 as ref. In some road maps usually they are not written as such, but alternating on the road both LS123 and SP123 (this is, of course, a thing for the renderer). But then there should be a way to specify this to indicate to the renderer that there are more names for it that should be put on the way alternating. Such a tag (alternating) would also help for street names. Currently, one can specify name:de=Romstraße name:it=Via Roma and name=Romstraße - Via Roma, but apparently, this leads to names that are always very long and sometimes (for streets with obstacles), doesn't display well. For the renderer having the choice between more names would -- I think -- help at placing street names in this case. |
My guess is that you could apply the same principles of the multilangual name for the tag ref. |
Your issues about multilingual names may be topic at Key:name, about multiple ref at Key:ref. To show the map in different languages by using the special name:XX keys you can have a look at Map_Internationalization. |
The rules are quite simple. For ways with several references you can use ref=[primary ref];[secondary ref]. name=* is the name of the road in the language spoken by the local citizens. 1
Do you mean a wiki page, when you refer to "the rules"? Maybe this one? : And a little fodder for thought: I guess "the language spoken by the local citizens" does not exist, because there are obviously two languages in use in South Tyrol. - And where I am mapping there are 10 main languages spoken, that is why I am following this question.
(14 Nov '10, 21:43)
The thing is that there aren't different refs for the street, but different writings for the same ref. It's always provincial street No. 153, but in german, it's written LS153, in italian SP153. The road signs (showing the distance every 100m) display it as follows:
ref:de and ref:it would be the way to go, I think, but there's no renderer supporting it atm.
(19 Nov '10, 17:44)
Alexander Ro...