I need help in nominatim search. i need to get nearest schools,banks,grocery stores, etc of a particular city. I found the keywords in http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim/Special_Phrases/EN, but i don't know how it can use , i tried to give like http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=grocery,bangalore&format=xml&polygon=1&addressdetails=1 , but for some keywords no results getting. Can any one help me please..? |
For the avoidance of doubt - grocery shops will only appear on the map and in the data in Bangalore if:
If I go to "nominatim.openstreetmap.org" and search for "shop near bangalore" I see two results - "Govt fair price shop" and "Govt Kerosene retail shop". They were both tagged as "shop=convenience". Unfortunately, the mapper of both of these didn't agree to the licence change and so, although they're still found by Nominatim until its data updates, they're no longer on the map. A quick search for "supermarket near bangalore" finds lots of hits, though, such as this one, tagged as "shop=supermarket". If you're looking for grocery stores you'll need to think about how people might have tagged them, and perhaps use the XAPI or Overpass to search for e.g. "shop=*" within the area that you're interested in. 1
You can see all the shop= in Bangalore through XAPI on this page: http://osm.dumoulin63.net/xapiviewer/?zoom=15&lat=12.9725&lon=77.58443&layers=B0T&icon=icons%2Fshopping_convenience.n.32.png&request=shop%3D
(14 Aug '12, 10:09)
I've fixed the first link; the second worked for me. If you miss out the "format=xml" part of the query string you get the more usual nominatim search results.
Which grocery shops would you expect to find that Nominatim didn't? Do you have node or way IDs for any examples?
A search for fuel stations works:
or in XML format
I have this <searchresults timestamp="Thu, 02 Aug 12 09:40:35 +0100" attribution="Data Copyright OpenStreetMap Contributors, Some Rights Reserved. CC-BY-SA 2.0." querystring="grocery,bangalore" polygon="true" more_url="http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=xml&exclude_place_ids=&accept-language=en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6&polygon=1&addressdetails=1&q=grocery%2Cbangalore"></searchresults>
so what next
@andy mackey for me also getting same results. @SomeoneElse thanks it works, but in my site i need to show all grocery stores in bangalore. I searched how to use the keywords in nominatim, i found one example like http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=bangalore[hospitals]&format=xml&polygon=0&addressdetails=1 that also not working for all keywords.