Currently mapping in Thailand I have just found out how to display tracks in JOSM. I'm trying to improve some dual carriageway highways that at this stage are some rough single roads. I can see that there are many good gpx tracks in the database, but how can I identify and download individual tracks? This will make creating dc roads a lot easier. Thanks, Peter. asked 06 Nov '10, 04:09 Beddhist aseerel4c26 ♦ |
Using josm right-click over the Downloaded GPX Data in the layers pane, then select Info - you'll see a table of tracks with some of them showing links in the URL column which you then can select and copy into your browser. answered 07 Nov '10, 17:06 katpatuka 1
Thanks katpatuka, that partially answers my question. From the urls I can download some of the tracks. However, it's quite easy to see which are the "good" tracks, but there still is no way to identify which track that I can see in the layer belongs to which url, or indeed, if the url is there at all.
(08 Nov '10, 06:01)
Yes, it's a bit tricky... if there are too many gpx-tracks in a large area I visually try to find the most detailed one, zoom onto it and download a fresh Raw GPS data layer to get its id (hoping that it is an identifiable gpx-track I get...)
(08 Nov '10, 09:35)
You can also filter them by date and see which appear and disappear as you change the date sliders.
(05 Nov '15, 08:43)
EdLoach ♦
Gpx track as not accurate as you think. If there is many tracks, use all of them to average you road. Concerning you direct request, you can get gpx with API at :
Never the less, I have no idea how to obtain sutch id. And even if it's possible. Look at API for details. An other way to retrieve gpx is by tag : answered 06 Nov '10, 11:35 frodrigo |
I have found another way: I download only gpx data in only a small area that I'm interested in (usually a narrow strip along the road I want to change) and then convert the layer to a data layer. I can then cut out the pieces that I want, copy them and paste into the actual data layer that I'm editing. It sort of works, but it's cumbersome and some of the tracks are joined in strange ways. It would be nice if I could identify tracks in a gpx layer, so I can download the whole track individually. answered 08 Nov '10, 06:02 Beddhist |
I want to second that comment - that gpx is NOT accurate to actually draw roads/paths/etc.. when I do hiking - sometimes I have accuracy <1m and sometimes 50m or so... Unless a user has commercial grade at least but military grade preferable gnss equipment - I wouldn't rely too much on it. answered 24 Apr '22, 06:39 HikeandMap Oh, a blast from the past! Ok then, if GPS is too inaccurate and aerial images have offsets, what do you suggest I use as a data source?
(24 Apr '22, 06:57)
Use an average of all traces, As frodrigo suggests
(24 Apr '22, 09:16)
andy mackey