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How to correctly tag a livery stable (BE) / boarding stable?

asked 01 Aug '12, 11:01

Carthman's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Aug '13, 18:52

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Hi Carthman, Whats the meaning of no txt ? If theres no pic or tag for it, describe it at landuse, aminity or sports. Or the system should get some more pics, I would like that, but theres no limit to it. It would grow complex. Keep up the good work.

(01 Aug '12, 11:44) Hendrikklaas

Hi Hendrikklaas,

"no Text" was supposed to be in the message field because the title says it all. Somehow it was placed in the title. Thanks for your help!

(01 Aug '12, 15:26) Carthman

currently the german "Wandereitkarte" project is one of the most used maps for horsesportfeatures. The wiki give an answer to your problem, but in german. Tags suggestet:

tourism=trail_riding_station for stabels where you can hire a horse.

amenity=stables for any kind of horsestable

permanent link

answered 04 Aug '13, 17:41

Skinfaxi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 01 Aug '12, 11:01

question was seen: 3,116 times

last updated: 04 Aug '13, 18:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum