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I looking for a tag or description to pointout a barrier for tanks on top of a dike. Its the replacement for a tank_ditch, a ditch in a dike wont do. Tag info gives no results on fi tank_barrier. Its made of a concrete basement with diagonale holes to secure the steelbars, pointing in the direction where the enemy is expected to approache.

asked 28 Jul '12, 22:27

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


A Jpeg of it could help. In Answers and Questions the sixth icon along top allows you to paste an image.

(29 Jul '12, 09:04) andy mackey

Hi Andy, I dont have pics but coordinates will do, 5.07700-5233944 or 5.14142-5228259 and near Utrecht 5.14000-52.11808. At all three places have pics in Google. The construction is a concrete basement with steel bars lowered into if necessary. The first coordinates pin point the most impressive excample. Lmk.

(31 Jul '12, 15:14) Hendrikklaas

Please don't use or suggest upper-case tags.

(01 Aug '12, 07:06) scai ♦

Ideas... barrier=fortification historical=tank_barrier relic=world_war_2 I've removed upper case following scai's comment

(01 Aug '12, 08:24) andy mackey

wiki.. uppercase is not rendered thanks scai

(01 Aug '12, 08:35) andy mackey

Hi guys, it took me some time to get back, sorry. But thanks for the input andy its usable, ill leave upper tags out of my hands and mind. i once started a cleanup of my own tags but it seems i left some out. andy relic=world_war_2 or II roman figures ? there capital two isnt it ?

(17 Sep '12, 21:24) Hendrikklaas
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

I would follow Andy and tag it; barrier=fortification, historic (instead of historical)=tank_barrier, armored_vehicle=no, name=spargel, material=steel / concrete, period (instead of WWII)=1914 - 1918, demolished=yes, operator=France Greetz

permanent link

answered 06 Apr '13, 11:51

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 28 Jul '12, 22:27

question was seen: 3,821 times

last updated: 06 Apr '13, 11:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum