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I'm trying to screenshot an entire city but when zoomed out, it is missing streetnames. When I zoom in to get detail, I cannot use a screenshot program (Snagit) to capture more than what is in my browser window. I understand why I can't because when I drag the window to a new area, it is actually a new screen render.

Is there any other option other than screenshotting each zoomed in portion of the map, and later piecing them all together to make the full city?

Any comments would be highly appreciated! cheers, Alleskan

asked 05 Nov '10, 14:59

alleskan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

retagged 10 Nov '10, 04:20

Breki's gravatar image


There is many possibilities.

  • You can use software for donwload tiles and glue them together.
  • Simply. You can also use the "export" tab on site main page, choose your scale and format type. Set scale at street level and select city area.

You can also look at MapOSMatic.

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answered 05 Nov '10, 15:12

frodrigo's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 05 Nov '10, 22:04

Hi Frodrigo,

Thank you for responding. I looked around for any software to download tiles, but couldnt find any. Any recommendations? Also, the export option doesnt seem to include the function I need, which is to have street level detail but then include the city level area. Sorry, I'm a real newbie at this ;)

(05 Nov '10, 16:34) alleskan

Look at all applications and web services at Staticmaps and OSM_on_Paper to get large bitmap maps.

Maybe "Bigmap" is good for tasks like that.

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answered 05 Nov '10, 16:36

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

You can use Maperitive, load OSM data for the city and then export it in whichever zoom level you like. It will produce a single bitmap.

Here's a sample of what I did for Berlin (using a non-standard map stylesheet):

The export-bitmap command:

If your area and zoom level is too big for the bitmap, you can use Maperitive to generate tiles for a web map.

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answered 10 Nov '10, 04:26

Breki's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Nice stylesheet for that Berlin picture! IMHO a candidate for "Picture of the Week" in our wiki ...

(10 Nov '10, 06:35) stephan75

@stephan75: you can post it as a candidate, I won't mind ;)

(13 Nov '10, 17:14) Breki

You can use the bigmap utility.

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answered 15 Feb '11, 16:15

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

this is the best tool I found for generating .png files. you need to have perl installed, though.

(13 Jun '14, 20:25) cweiske

Meanwhile there is BigMap2 (also visit the wiki page). And you don't need a perl installation because there is also an option to generate the images online, or using python.

(13 Jun '14, 20:42) scai ♦

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question asked: 05 Nov '10, 14:59

question was seen: 13,641 times

last updated: 13 Jun '14, 20:43

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