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Here on holiday in Sintra, I notice many public "water sources", called "fontes" in Portuguese. This translates to both fountain and spring.

One famous example is the "Fonte da Pipa":

alt text

Should I tag these as fountains, or as springs?

Update: I learned now that these provide real spring water. In other words, they are not connected to any man-made watering system. However, most of these "fontes" are not natural springs, they are the endpoints of ancient watering tunnels that guide water from natural reservoirs inside the mountains.

asked 25 Jul '12, 23:24

pbb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Jul '12, 22:45

natural=spring is described as a point where groundwater naturally flows out of the ground. In other words a spring usually is the point where a natural water stream begins. Your photo however clearly shows a fountain looks more like a drinking water location. But if it isn't drinkable you should better add drinkable=no.

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answered 26 Jul '12, 08:54

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 26 Jul '12, 12:43


It's clearly not a spring, but I'm not sure that it's a fountain, either. Perhaps amenity=drinking_water? There are some links on that wiki page to other possibilities depending on current use.

(26 Jul '12, 12:19) SomeoneElse ♦

You are right, it looks more like amenity=drinking_water.

(26 Jul '12, 12:39) scai ♦

Some of these "fontes" are definitely not drinking water, and many are not guaranteed drinkable. (They have a message that the water quality is not controlled.) So amenity=drinking_water seems misleading to me, especially in combination with drinkable=no?

I am actually not sure if these are natural water sources, and I don't know if a spring definitely needs to create a stream (don't see that mentioned in the wiki either).

(26 Jul '12, 16:13) pbb

I would like to add one remark: Additional to drinking_water / fountain etc., you can add tourism=artwork, if the fonte is as beautiful as the one in your example :)

(26 Jul '12, 16:30) moszkva ter

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question asked: 25 Jul '12, 23:24

question was seen: 8,985 times

last updated: 26 Jul '12, 22:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum