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Quand il y a trop de résultats via GeoNames dans la Recherche en page d'accueil OSM serait-il possible d'afficher les noms des unités administratives dans la liste ?

Exemple : la recherche du nom Torcy affiche 3 résultats identiques, sans donner plus de précisions ! Torcy, France

De même, serait-il possible de proposer de raffiner la recherche via un lien "advanced search" ?

asked 23 Jul '12, 15:20

Pascal%20Boulerie%20ENSG's gravatar image

Pascal Boule...
accept rate: 0%

Rough translation to english:


When there are too many results for the location search on home page (GeoNames results). Would it be possible to display the names of administrative units in the list?

Example: name lookup for "Torcy" gives 3 identical results "Torcy, France", without giving further details!

Similarly, is it possible to propose a search refining using a "advanced search" link ?

(23 Jul '12, 21:27) RM87

You can fill a bug (wish) in trac as currently there seems to be no ticket for displaying more information in GeoNames results.

permanent link

answered 23 Jul '12, 21:20

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Thanks RM87.

(24 Jul '12, 08:34) Pascal Boule...

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question asked: 23 Jul '12, 15:20

question was seen: 2,518 times

last updated: 24 Jul '12, 08:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum