If I make changes because of the OSMI Redaction Bot's information, when can I expect the OSMI Redaction Bot to no longer register the data in question as a Redaction "error". I would not want other contributers to be going to the areas I have updated only to find them already changed! |
I am slightly confused as to what exactly you mean. There is the old OSMI "license change" view which is not updated any longer but still visible. There is a new "redaction bot" view which is being developed and a preview URL has been published to the dev list but this is not in production yet and you should not expect anything from it. There will be a proper announcement when it is ready for use. Thank you Frederik for your answer. Today I cycled to a small village about 7 km from where I live in Germany. OSMI Redaction Bot indicated that there were 11 nodes/ways that needed revisiting/resurveying. It was a waste of effort but not a waste of time for the weather was perfect for cycling. But, alas, the nodes in question were not worth the effort. Only one bus-stop and one post-box were affected which are now changed. Now what I would not like to happen is that someone else (not SomeoneElse) now revisits the village in question in order to cover the same Redaction changes. to be cont.
(22 Jul '12, 17:19)
So how will the OSMI Redaction Bot handle the changes made by the contributors to amend these Redaction changes. What is perhaps needed is something similar to the OSM-Bug, i.e. The Redaction Bot generates an OSM-Bug for all of the changes made and the contributers can then clear the bug(s) as required.
(22 Jul '12, 17:31)
It won't matter soon. When the Redaction Bot has finished you can just map as always - add or correct stuff that needs changing, the way we used to map. We can just ignore anything that was redacted and just treat it as something that needs adding or correcting. I think focussing on the stuff that was going to be redacted was a good idea until redaction started, now we can just go back to making the map data as good as we can, whether that is because of redaction or because it just had not been mapped yet. I don't think it is that simple. What you are inferring is that the OSM communtity will just muddle through with no coherent coordination as it has done in the past. It is not only the OSMers that we have to think about but also the actual users of the OSM Data Bank such as those renderers supplying maps to iPhone, Android and other devices. Their maps become less usuable and may scare these very same end-users to migrate away from OSM Data. I for one will not update my OsmAnd offline vector maps for a very long time to come. Or maybe I am being a bit over sensitive!
(22 Jul '12, 21:07)
Knowing that essential information is missing in a particular place makes it much more likely that the problem is fixed quickly. That's why we have tools like OSMBugs - so mappers don't have to walk around randomly until they stumble upon a bug. Learning about Redaction Bot activity serves the same purpose as a bug report: Speeding up the correction of bugs. Without that speed boost, OSM would remain unusable in the affected areas for years. And unlike naturally undermapped places, strangely broken redacted data wouldn't make sense to new contributors, potentially scaring them off.
(23 Jul '12, 02:37)
The OSMI Redaction Bot has now been integrated into OSM Inspector. I still cannot see how I can tell the Bot that I have surveyed an area and cleared the Redaction changes, i.e. the Bot is not interactive like OSM-Bugs are. So other contributors may return to the exact spot and search for Bot changes that have already been rectified. Am I right or am I wrong? If I am right then the motivation to use the Bot will decrease over time, wouldn't it?
(23 Jul '12, 09:20)
I think you're misunderstanding what the redaction bot actually is. It's an account that sweeps across the whole world deleting changes by non-agreers. That's all. This is a one-time process and will be finished in a couple of days. Tools (such as OSMI) are being developed to show the changes it has made, but neither these nor any subsequent edits have any effect on the bot itself.
(23 Jul '12, 11:08)
Richard ♦
This question is somewhat confusing because it uses several terms incorrectly. So I'll start by clarifying the terms before giving an answer.
In particular, this OSMI "redaction bot" view draws data deleted by the bot (marked red), as well as objects merely modified by the bot. In the latter case, the color is different depending on whether it has since been touched by another contributor (marked yellow), or whether there have been no edits to the object yet since the Redaction Bot's changes (marked orange). The OSMI "redaction bot" view is being updated. This means that orange objects might change to yellow after future edits in the OpenStreetMap database. However, it will display deleted objects as deleted (red) even if the object (e.g. a street) has meanwhile been mapped again. Basically, this is historical information - all it says is that there was an object in this place that has been deleted by the Redaction Bot. It does not say that there is an error in the OSM database today. |
Yesterday the 23.Juli.2012 I went to the small village of Niederkastenholz. Here the Redaction Bot's image from that date:
I highlighted the Bot's information. What you don't see is interesting: The road at the top (Fritzstraße) has been deleted and not marked with the Bot's red IIIII. Which means that the Bot does not show all deleted changes. See the second image to see the post edit results. I uploaded my survey data also on the 23rd at about 2100 CET. Here the results from the Bot on the 24th Juli at 05:41.
I found all the Bot's changes and added a few bits of miscellaneous data as well. Now for my QUESTION: Why does the Bot still report the Bot's changes after they have been newly entered? What is to hinder someone else going to Niederkastenholz because the Bot still reporting in red that there are still changes to be surveyed and corrected? 2
I suggest that you re-read Richard's comment above that starts "I think you're misunderstanding what the redaction bot actually is"
(24 Jul '12, 17:18)
SomeoneElse ♦
Or in short: the redaction bot doesn't show anything, the OSMI redaction bot view does. They are two completely different things.
(24 Jul '12, 17:29)
scai ♦
For those that may not be aware, OSMI is "OSM Inspector" available here. Various "views" designed to help data cleaning are available.
See also this mail to the main talk list designed to help co-ordinate remapping efforts.