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can anyone show an example of how to use search on the osm from your application - ie not to open nominatim page.

asked 04 Nov '10, 09:52

Artem%20Bolshakov's gravatar image

Artem Bolshakov
accept rate: 0%

Nominatim works with URL's. You can find many examples on the wiki at:

You already asked the same question here. Once you read the specification, you have to adapt your code to handle URL's requests and returned XML data. This depends on your development/application and the question is not anymore specific to OSM and shouldn't be posted here. You might give a last try by asking on the OSM developers list ("dev"), see the details in the wiki.

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answered 04 Nov '10, 13:34

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 04 Nov '10, 14:51

ok, thanks.

(04 Nov '10, 15:25) Artem Bolshakov

here is an example i've beenplaying with, this is using codeigniter

$addrlist = $this->_xml2assoc($xml, "root");

            $data['addressescount'] = count($addrlist[0]['childs']);
            $addresses = $addrlist[0]['childs'];

            if ($data['addressescount'] == 0)
                $data['addrfrommsg'] = 'Sorry, we could not find any location for this address.';
            elseif (($data['addressescount'] > 0) && ($data['addressescount'] < 20))
                // put each address from nominatim into an array
                foreach ($addresses as $k => $inside)
                    $addrlist[$k]['place_id']= $addrlist[0]['childs'] [$k]['attr']['place_id'];
                    $addrlist[$k]['lon']= $addrlist[0]['childs'] [$k]['attr']['lon'];
                    $addrlist[$k]['lat']= $addrlist[0]['childs'] [$k]['attr']['lat'];
                    $addrlist[$k]['road_x']= $addrlist[0]['childs'] [$k]['childs'][0]['childs'][0]['text'];
                    $addrlist[$k]['city_x']= $addrlist[0]['childs'] [$k]['childs'][2]['childs'][0]['text'];
                    $addrlist[$k]['display_name']= $addrlist[0]['childs'] [$k]['attr']['display_name'];

            // insert the location in database
                    $country = 'UK';
                    $direction = 'from';
                    $postcode = '';
                    if ($addrlist[$k]['place_id'] == 0 )
                        $addrlist[$k]['place_id'] = $k;
                    $this->locations_mdl->insert_location($data['session_id'], $addrlist[$k]['place_id'], $data['username'],
                                        $addrlist[$k]['lon'], $addrlist[$k]['lat'], $addrlist[$k]['road_x'], $addrlist[$k]['city_x'],
                                        $postcode, $country, $addrlist[$k]['display_name'], $direction);

            elseif ($data['addressescount'] >= 20)
                $data['addrfrommsg'] = 'Sorry, too many results please refine your search.';
            return $data;
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answered 28 Aug '11, 09:00

jerry01's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 04 Nov '10, 09:52

question was seen: 7,966 times

last updated: 28 Aug '11, 09:00

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