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I've set up a tileserver per switch2osm, and it runs as expected. I'd like to experiment with different map styles, so I set up Mapbox's OSMBright and exported it from from TileMill, using TileMill's Export to Mapnik XML option.

I expected to be able to replace the default osm.xml file with the one generated by TileMill, but they have different formats, and renderd rejects the TileMill-generated file.

This is the original osm.xml

This is the TileMill-generated file.

renderd objects straight away to the <Parameters> section in the TileMill file

Running in foreground mode... renderd[22588]: Starting stats thread renderd[22588]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'default': Unknown child node in 'Map': 'Parameters' renderd[22588]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'default': Unknown child node in 'Map': 'Parameters' renderd[22588]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'default': Unknown child node in 'Map': 'Parameters' renderd[22588]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'default': Unknown child node in 'Map': 'Parameters'

Could anyone explain what I'm missing, and how properly to use the file generated by TileMill?

Thanks, Keith

asked 21 Jul '12, 19:42

keith_uk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Keith,

Did you ever resolve this problem? I'm experiencing the same issue.


(07 Feb '14, 21:24) grape8pe

Simply remove the Parameters section from the style sheet (TileMill writes some meta information to that section that is not supported by at least older mapnik versions, but not needed for operation in a normal tile server setup).

permanent link

answered 14 Feb '14, 11:40

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 31 Mar '14, 12:48

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question asked: 21 Jul '12, 19:42

question was seen: 4,756 times

last updated: 31 Mar '14, 12:48

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