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I'm on my first day editing OSM.

I am trying to add a school using Potlatch 2. However under amenity, school only shows up when I'm adding it a point. When I create a polygon and intend to label the area where the school encompasses, the school option no longer shows up under amenities. What should I do?

asked 21 Jul '12, 00:39

huggie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Jul '12, 00:39

Hi, try to add school at the advanced options. Amenity - school, name - School I. Good luck

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answered 21 Jul '12, 10:46

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


I realized that school option is actually under "building". And it would add the tag as you suggested.

(22 Jul '12, 06:52) huggie

My example is amenity showing school and grounds. Building is OK for the bricks or stone building. as in Hendrikklaas' answer

(22 Jul '12, 08:55) andy mackey

Well, if I look closely to the advance tags, it doesn't really say "building" anywhere. It's just categorized as such in the UI.

(25 Jul '12, 17:03) huggie

I was trying to avoid the school grounds being rendered as a building

(25 Jul '12, 17:48) andy mackey

Hi Huggie, Have fun, keep building and enjoy it. Ps your always able to make a try by using an empty space and make some multipolygone, add the tags and look at it for the result. If its wrong dont forget to wast it again the same session time (preferable)

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answered 22 Jul '12, 21:43

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

So what's the final verdict? School Buildings can be tagged as school, but what about grounds and adjoining (school) playing fields?

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answered 27 Jul '12, 09:25

OffTheChart's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


For once, the description on the wiki about how to map schools is pretty good:

It even includes a diagram showing where the different tags should go.

(27 Jul '12, 09:51) EdLoach ♦

excellent, thanks!

(27 Jul '12, 10:51) OffTheChart

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question asked: 21 Jul '12, 00:39

question was seen: 3,377 times

last updated: 28 Jul '12, 08:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum