I've already read the ODBL/use cases but I'd like to specify the implications for the commercial use of openstreetmap in a web based software for bike courier services. The software covers task/job handling, dispatching, billing, etc. and is accessible for registered users only (resp. the staff of the courier service and their customers). The software is linked to geo services for the following tasks:
So far the software is based on purchased geodata (geocoordinates) and the use of CloudMade services for map visualization and routing (of course also with attribution to openstreetmap). What impact has the new ODBL license for the following scenarios: 1) If I remain with the purchased geodata and CloudMade services, is it okay to simply stick to the attribution as before? 2) Would it be possible to extend the geocoding of addresses by openstreetmap services (eg. via Nominatim)? Thus, the result would be a derivative database and substantial (>100 geocodings after some time). But as the database also holds confidential information and the purchased geocoordinates it could not be published as a whole. Would it be still okay to use openstreetmap for geocoding if ...
Thanks a lot in advance for your responses! |
I fear that your questions are anything other but FAQs ...
So If you won't get any answer here, try one of the OSM mailing lists about licencing or similar topics.
Thanks for this hint!
Just before, I've asked for help in the legal-talk mailing list and will share the summarized findings here. (http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/legal-talk/2012-July/007158.html)