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I am having all kinds of problems when using JOSM on Mac OS X (10.7.4):

  • All rotated (street) labels are offset too far to the right and down. When the street is in the top left of the editing window, the label is more or less placed correctly. But the label is always twice as far from the top left corner as the street is. If the street is in the middle of the editing window, its label is in the bottom right.
  • Cmd-Alt-+ and Cmd-Alt-- to zoom in and out don't work. (May be a problem because it's a MacBook keyboard, or because it's Norwegian localized.)
  • Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right to pan the window left and right conflict with the shortcut keys to switch desktops is OS X 10.7 (Lion).

Especially the first point is a bit of a showstopper for me, but I would really like to use the keyboard also. Does anybody know if there is something wrong with my setup, or are these known problems with JOSM on OS X?

asked 20 Jul '12, 22:54

pbb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

  • That looks like a bug with the label alignment, it moves around when you pan as well. Please submit a new ticket at if it is not submitted before.
  • Tested with the same keybord setup as you (the same I use every day) and it is an issue. The problem with a lot of shortcuts is that OS X is not delivering a lot of different shortcuts to the java runtime. I have gotten used to rebinding the keys I use a lot, and I have changed the setting for the touchpad so that it is easier to right click and drag.

Josm have its many, many, many problems, but it is still much more efficiant then any other editors out there.

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answered 21 Jul '12, 11:43

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks! I updated an existing ticket ( with my findings. Hope this will be fixed soon :) Do I understand that you don't have the problem with the label alignment?

(22 Jul '12, 22:16) pbb

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question asked: 20 Jul '12, 22:54

question was seen: 4,131 times

last updated: 22 Jul '12, 22:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum