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I've spotted some missing streets here:

At the moment the edits have only gone through to the standard map, so hopefully you'll be able to compare easily with the others. They're in the area between the Station, Trafalger st, London rd and New England House.

I've looked at the history, but there are a lot of changesets in that area and I can't really work out what happened in the ones I've looked at. Is there something I'm missing?

asked 20 Jul '12, 14:02

Wednesday's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You are likely seeing the work of the "redaction bot", a program that removes data incompatible with the license change from OpenStreetMap. See, or the Wiki, or indeed any OSM forum or mailing list, for details!

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answered 20 Jul '12, 14:10

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 20 Jul '12, 14:29


Ah right, thank you.

Is there a resource somewhere that would help me interpret the history if I need to in future? Atm I'd have trouble even without a lot to search through.

(20 Jul '12, 14:45) Wednesday

Forget the history in this case. The bot will have hidden the history details of anything added by people who haven't accepted the new licence. The best thing to do is pretend it has never been mapped and map it anew. You can survey, use OS Opendata sources (in this instance), aerial imagery (such as bing), or best still a combination of all of them.

Generally the changesets give links to all nodes, ways and relations that changed and you can click each in turn, or use tools such as (that might not yet handle redacted history) to see what changed.

(20 Jul '12, 16:03) EdLoach ♦

This is likely due to the redaction bot removing data added by mappers who hadn't agreed to the new licence, and the many changesets since are people remapping what has been lost.

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answered 20 Jul '12, 14:12

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 20 Jul '12, 14:02

question was seen: 2,756 times

last updated: 24 Jul '12, 11:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum