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Hello all, first time here, adding new forest trails in my area. I have some basic difficulty with the Potlatch 2 editing interface (haven't tried the others).

So I add a trail based on my own GPS track. Works fine if I start from nowhere, I add the points and I connect the end to an existing trail. But how can I connect the start to an existing trail ? I can move the red dot but it won't connect automatically to an existing trail if I put it on top. Also I can't start a new trail from an existing one because it selects and move the existing one if I click on it...

Next question: once I have established a trail, how can I add dots to it (for instance to increase precision) ? Thanks

asked 20 Jul '12, 10:51

dargaud's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Apr '13, 02:21

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

You can drag the start point over the other way, then press "J".

Or click on the start point to start extending that way, then hover over the way you want to join to, and you will see a little "+" icon, click there and the ways will be joined. You can go back and delete the original start point if it is unnecessary now.

In the future, when you start creating a trail which starts at a junction with an existing trail, select that way, then shift click on an existing point to create a branching way.

If there isn't a convenient point, you can create one by selecting the way and shift-clicking where you want it. You can also use this to add extra points and increase precision.

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answered 20 Jul '12, 11:15

njd27's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 20 Jul '12, 12:46

I don't see a '+' icon but a 'x' icon, which indeed joins the path. Thanks for the shift-click tip, that worked. Now how do I delete a dot ?!? -- Never mind I found the 'delete' key... --

(20 Jul '12, 12:30) dargaud

Select way, then select individual node (will highlight in yellow). Press delete key or click bin icon.

(20 Jul '12, 12:44) njd27

Hi, theres another way. An excisting route or road has blue dots. The selected (Made) one has red dots. Select the excisting route (it becomes yellow) and add by using shift and enter at the same time. Youll end up with a new dot (red), drag your own point (dot) over the new one and touch 'j' Youl get an joined at the bottom of your screen, control by dragging the new point to and from. Thats all, have fun and keep building

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answered 20 Jul '12, 11:36

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

  1. To Start from an existing way.... Shift click and click again on (note one click will cotinue the existing way)
  2. To joint a newly made way to an existing one.... Shift click
  3. To join a way that as crossed a while pressing "j"
  4. The escape key helps sometimes

This and the videos are a good source of info

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answered 20 Jul '12, 12:57

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 20 Jul '12, 13:04

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question asked: 20 Jul '12, 10:51

question was seen: 5,600 times

last updated: 24 Apr '13, 02:21

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