I already did some work (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.08712&lon=6.31741&zoom=15&layers=M), but the official data is far more detailed and complete ( e.g. search for erkelenz on this page: http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html ). The state-owned data will be made available for free in the future (http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Bund-stellt-Geodaten-kostenfrei-bereit-1629289.html), so I wonder whether it makes sense at all to work on this? |
The link you quote only talks about data owned by the federal government of Germany. Building outlines are not among that data; they are only collected by local administrations or the Länder for which the legal situation is different. Even if such data were made available, it is far from clear whether it would ever be imported into OSM. Buildings that you trace now can be used by yourself or others to record data against them - house numbers or POIs for example. Holding off such mapping because one believes that at some point in the future government data might be available is not a good idea. |
Yes please!
Yes, it will take some years to get good building coverage. Like it took some years to get good street coverage. |