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Hi all!

Someone deleted a part of road network in Pula, Croatia (for example Marulićeva ulica from intersection with Jurja Dobrile untill after Mažuranićeva). Someone, also, deleted properties / memberships for some streets in Pula, Croatia (ie Jurja Dobrile from intersection with Leharova untill intersection with Laginjina).

The question is, what do you do in that situation, and what can we do to fix it (without starting a Sizifus kind of job when someone deletes something you made after somone deleted it...).


asked 18 Jul '12, 22:08

TarikCapar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Redaction bot, perhaps?

I think that the way concerned was this one. It looks like someone (maybe you?) is starting to remap.

permanent link

answered 18 Jul '12, 22:16

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 18 Jul '12, 22:23


Nope, it's user filip55, and I think it's by accident. (hope at least...)

(18 Jul '12, 22:17) TarikCapar

I think that they're sorting it - they've just added a residential tag. If not, I'd definitely get in contact with them and talk to them about it.

(18 Jul '12, 22:31) SomeoneElse ♦

OK, hang on, if I unjustly accused someone, I apologize. I have no intention to pick a fight, just trying to understand why there's no way on OSM. If I'm reading the answer above correctly, when someone starts to remap, the way that's being remapped dissapears from OSM?

(18 Jul '12, 22:37) TarikCapar

I'd just talk to them about it. It's much more likely to be human error than trying to deliberately delete all the roads.

You might want to try and tactfully ask them to use changeset comments a bit more meaningful than "fix", mind! :)

(18 Jul '12, 22:43) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 18 Jul '12, 22:08

question was seen: 4,081 times

last updated: 18 Jul '12, 22:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum