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How does a non technical person submit a road name correction?

Location : Calgary, AB, Canada Current name on map "Wildwood Road" Correct name "Wildwood Drive"


asked 15 Jul '12, 17:36

Mkm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I can't find that address in the nominatim. Please right click permalink and then the right click copy link address then paste that into a comment so we can fix it.

(17 Jul '12, 22:55) andy mackey

Try openstreetbugs website

there you can submit a marker with a little text and error description.

With some luck, another mapper discovers that bug and does the correction.


Login at the main site with your user account

zoom to that position where the wrong street name is

choose "Edit" from the above screen edge (this is activating the Flash based editor Potlatch2)

click the street with the wrong name

somewhere at the left screen edge the street name is displayed among the other features of that way.

try to edit the name element

save your work with the so called button "Save" ... done.

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answered 15 Jul '12, 18:44

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


I'd definitely encourage the second option, editing the map. If you just log a bug, then someone has to get around to fixing it. If you just fix it, it's already done. The Beginners Guide ( ) is a good place to start.

(16 Jul '12, 14:31) jwernerny

MapDust is another good place to report bugs.

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answered 15 Jul '12, 21:17

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%


Mapdust has some advantages and some disadvantages over OpenStreetBugs.

An advantage is that bugs appear directly in Potlatch for editors to see. A disadvantage is that many Mapdust bugs are created by Skobbler users with little or no idea what they're contributing to, so "bug reports" include things like "my GPS position is wrong".

If the area concerned in OSM is "well-gardened" to remove rubbish from Mapdust, then this is probably the best way to report it (but fixing it yourself would be preferable, of course!).

(16 Jul '12, 15:37) SomeoneElse ♦

I do encourage mappers to weed Mapdust, since it is getting a lot more real-world use than OSB is.

(16 Jul '12, 15:54) Baloo Uriza

Hi, Ill go for Stephan's suggestion. Logn with a little fever in the tip of your fingers and make the correction, keep in mind to use the undo button in the left uppercorner of the screen, just above the borderline between the map and the legenda. Enjoy.

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answered 17 Jul '12, 20:32

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 15 Jul '12, 17:36

question was seen: 6,187 times

last updated: 17 Jul '12, 22:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum