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In process of execution our research project we got the exception message:

«You absolutely must limit your requests to a single thread (to be clear: 1 single thread on all your machines, you may not circumvent this limit by sending requests from multiple IPs). search requests must be further restricted to an absolute maximum of 1 request per second»

Could You increase this limit? We plan to do about 100 requests per second for a month. What we should do to reach that?

Best regards, Alexey.

asked 13 Jul '12, 14:56

Alexey%20Dervish's gravatar image

Alexey Dervish
accept rate: 0%


What calls are you making? Is there anything that you absolutely must get from OSM directly, as opposed to loading the bit of the OSM data that you need on a machine locally to you?

(13 Jul '12, 16:09) SomeoneElse ♦

seriously, what do you want to do with something like 260 million requests?

(13 Jul '12, 17:58) Cobra

Just so that it is clear: under the terms of the current and future OSM licence you are creating a deriative database if you actually save the results of your queries and reuse them.

In other words the dataset you will have generated will be subject to CC by-SA 2.0 or ODbL 1.0 terms.

(13 Jul '12, 18:03) SimonPoole ♦

No, the limit can't be increased. The service you are accessing is run on OSMF servers, which are funded entirely by donations and supported by volunteers. While OSM's data is free for you to use, its server resources are not.

If you need to do that number of requests, you can set up your own instance of Nominatim on your own servers, using the same freely available data as the OSMF servers.

permanent link

answered 13 Jul '12, 18:01

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 13 Jul '12, 14:56

question was seen: 5,704 times

last updated: 13 Jul '12, 18:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum