Hello, |
The big question here is what do you want to do with the data? How do you want to get the data out of the database? There are countless ways of importing and storing osm data in a database. Osmosis is able to read and write the deprecated MySql scheme that was used by the old website and editing api. If you are interesting in doing that for nostalgic reasons you can install an old version of the rails port that supported the MySql schema and then use osmosis to import the data to that. You can check out the old versions at git.osm.org. That will give you a website that is like you would get if you visited www.osm.org in early 2009. After some searching I have found some php classes that can deal with the osm editing api, for instance Services_OpenStreetMap. However that is an api for editors and have nothing with any databases (except the core database that powers the api). |