My question is if the distribution rules from the MN DNR on their data is compatible with the OSM one? Also what would I need to do to add it? If it is I am planning on cleaning and uploading a whole bunch of data from the MN DNR that would include various land use and administrative features. To me it would seem that it would be but I don't want to make a mess that others would have to clean up. I assume I would need to include the liability warning as well as the source but other than that I should be in the clear. Below is distribution info from the MN DNR. The following was taken from Section 6 of the Aquatic Management Area meta data page from the MN DNR but you will have to select the full meta data link at the bottom of the page to see section 6. Distribution Information Publisher: Minnesota DNR - MIS Bureau Distribution Liability:The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the reuse of data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data 'as is', and assumes all risks associated with its use. By accepting this data, the user agrees not to transmit this data or provide access to it or any part of it to another party unless the user shall include with the data a copy of this disclaimer. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data.
This question is marked "community wiki".
I'd definitely have a read of the previous answers that have been given to questions about imports. You'll need to read through that list - about half of it is "I'd like to import data into OSM" and the other half is "I'd like to set up a rendering / Nominatim database" but it's easy to tell which question is which. |
Data imports are not the main mode of data acquisition for OSM; they are indeed considered an inferior data source by many, and many OSMers hold the opinion that having no data in an area is better than having third-party imported data. If you want to import anything, you have to discuss this on the "imports" mailing list first, where people might offer opinions on whether that import is actually good for OSM, and if they think it might be, on how to do it in a technically clean way. Many imports suffer from technical problems like "overnoding" (too many nodes even if there's a straight line), "duplicate nodes" (because some shapefile has been converted to OSM without re-using boundary nodes), or lack of relation usage. These and many other things have to be checked in addition to the license question before an import can go ahead - and like I said initially, even then many would say that OSM is better off without that import anyway. |
I did a bit of checking and I thing that the correct group to contact would be or did I find the incorrect group?