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Is there a function like copy/paste a position to create a node for example directly in josm by a shortcut ? (like this function permanent link in the map at

asked 10 Jul '12, 10:45

DOM91's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Try to load the Plugin utilsplugin2 in JOSM


there is a LatLon tool for entering coordinates, and one or more nodes will be created.

permanent link

answered 10 Jul '12, 17:01

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%


You don't need any plugin for entering a node at specific coordinates, just press shift-D. However, the question seems a bit unclear to me.

(10 Jul '12, 17:59) scai ♦

Ok, I mean all the time i have to take a note of a position to re-write the coordinates whatever the shortcut. First, i choose the position on the map with my mouse and write coordinates shown below the window of Josm's application. Then i used the function to put a point and type the coordinates i wrote before.

This isn't safety (i could make a mistake when i wrote) and quite boring...

Is there another way more safety and faster ?

(11 Jul '12, 11:09) DOM91

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do, but maybe you just want to put OpenStreetMap (Mapnik) as an Imagery background in JOSM, press the A key and then double click where you want to create your node.

(11 Jul '12, 11:19) gnurk

What gnurk said. You should take a look at the JOSM basic editing guide to learn how to create nodes. You don't have to type any coordinates by hand.

(11 Jul '12, 12:00) scai ♦

that's it scai. Thanks a lot for your help.

(11 Jul '12, 12:16) DOM91

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question asked: 10 Jul '12, 10:45

question was seen: 6,019 times

last updated: 11 Jul '12, 12:16

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