What do I do if, for example, a bus drives a slightly different route in the evening, weekends, as first or last route of the day, etc? Do I create different routes for each alternation, or do I collect them all up in one big route? What tags should I use? |
Create different route relations for each alternate route, and include them in the Route Master relation. Thanks, I will start studying that! :)
(20 Jul '12, 22:37)
Sorry for coming back to an old question, but is there any standard to indicate which part of the route master is valid when? E.g. which route is used on weekdays, and which on weekends? Also, am I correct in understanding that a route should be split in two if it contains a way used in both directions? E.g. a bus enters a neighbourhood, makes a u-turn there, and returns over the same way. (And after that continues it's route.) Because ways should only be included once and always in the ordered travelled...
(17 Sep '12, 22:04)