Hey guys, I'm trying to dump a recent planet.osm file to a local PostgreSQL database on OS X. I'm running a 120 GB SSD for my system drive, and a 500GB 7200RPM external drive for the database connected via Firewire 800. When I run osmosis with a simple read-xml, write-pgsql command I notice my system drive (the SSD) in activity manager fills up while my database (on the 500GB external drive) isn't being populated at all, or used at all. It's on this step: Obviously the SSD isn't large enough to handle whatever operations are being cached / created. So my question is, what is osmosis creating in the background and is there a way to force it to utilize the other volume instead of the system default? After some testing, I believe that Osmosis is utilizing the temp folder on OS X, which is why I am seeing drive usage on my system drive/my SSD. I am unsure if I can relocated the temp folder or if Java / Osmosis can told made to use another directory. THANKS! -Cody |
You can set a different temporary directory with the command
Also read the information about the 1
Thanks so much, this worked like a charm. For those who are following, running the JAVACMD_OPTIONS line above will move the location on disk that Java uses as a temporary directory. In my case, the default was OS X's temp dir which is automatically emptied on system restart. When I moved Java's tmp dir, an artifact was that Java's temp files are no longer automatically removed on system restart. You can simply delete the content of the folder you choose and/or reset the Java tmp dir afterwards. Anyway, thanks Frederik! -Cody
(10 Jul '12, 22:36)