What is the best way to tag large touristic sites (museums, theme parks, campsites) - where should I put the tags - name, type, fee etc. There are two options: Add tags to the area covering the whole site this has more logic in osm world, but it is less pracical
Add tags to the main entry/reception/box office It does not have the disadvantages mentioned before and helps navigation however
Some examples
I would add as many tags to area as possible. In addition to that I would simply add all entrances. In case it is not possible to add all information to area (different fees at different entrances) I would add some information to individual entrances. I did, but it has two disadvantages (see the first part of the question). If you look at the given example: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=48.90183&lon=17.30796&zoom=17&layers=M than you see that there is no visual clue where the entry point / main information box is. You can only tell by experience, that it probably will be the big building on the nort east of the site.
(15 Jul '12, 19:32)
This looks like the best solution. The wiki page for key
(24 May '13, 01:19)
@gorn: About the visual clue for the entrance: At present Mapnik (the software that draws the map on openstreetmap.org) does not show entrances nodes. However, there is a feature request to at least show named entrances, which would solve the problem (if you give the entrance a name): https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3498
(24 May '13, 01:29)
Why dont you name / tag the complete area (park, museum, theme park aso) after making a multipolygone around it and ad the gateways afterwards ? There are two disadvantages of doing so: 1. Icons denoting site are put in the center whereas on "normal" maps they are often placed at the main entry/reception/box office which helps navigation to the site greatly. 2. Automatic navigation can be confused and the visitor can find himeslf coming from very wrong direction. Please have a look at the given example http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=48.90183&lon=17.30796&zoom=17&layers=M - the icon of museum does not give any clue where I can enter the site.
(15 Jul '12, 19:28)
Hi Gorn, Looks great, but is it Poland ? What about my suggestion using 'gate' for the the entrance ? Does nt the park / site has a code to pinpoint the mainentrance ? Succes Hendrik 1
Hi Hendrikklaas. No it is not Poland if it matters ;-) ... yes, in this particural case there is a gate so it is also marked. Still you should guess, that if there is a gate than it is probably an entrance. And there should not necessarily be one. I do not think it is a feasible solution, sorry ...
(15 Jul '12, 20:40)