I delete a point of the boundary of my town and it dessapear. But I don't notice it until I save a few hours later. All the change was made today. My town is San Fernando de Henares, Spain. Someone can redo the boundary? I don't know how do it. Sorry for my English and for the mistake :( |
I don't see any problem with the boundary of San Ferndando, and you have not changed it today: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/347592 |
Do you mean the administrative boundary, or perhaps something else - the boundary of a residential area perhaps?
Would it be possible for you to zoom in on exactly where you deleted something, click "permalink" at the bottom-right of the map, and then post that here? That way we may be able to see what was deleted.
Have a look at your editing history at http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/carlosz22/edits
Can you describe more in detail the objectss, noder or boundayr you mean?