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my name is Patricie Bergmanová, I’m from one IT company and I need help. We developed an application, in which we want to use google maps. The basic version will be for free and the second version, which has many our additional information for users, will be payed. We read the licence agreement and we want to be sure that we can use this map and that we act legally.

So, our application is used for internet only. Free part of our app shows location of cars. Payed part displays and defines some area of interests, which is visible on the map, and visualizes a ride by car and its intended for the Czech Republic. How much costs licence for local usage of the map? Is that price different from licence for worldwide usage? Thanx for your answer.

asked 02 Jul '12, 14:40

patricie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Just to clarify : you say "in which we want to use google maps". Are you sure you are not talking about "use OpenStreetMap" ? Otherwise, this help site is not yours...

(02 Jul '12, 15:29) Pieren

Commercial use of the OpenStreetMap data is free of charge, but use of our infrastructure is limited. This means that if you need e.g. map tiles then you must create them yourself or pay someone to do it for you!

Also, we are not Google maps.

permanent link

answered 02 Jul '12, 20:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Ok, I understand. Thank you very much. And Im sorry, I thought open street maps, not google maps.

Have a nice day.

(03 Jul '12, 07:24) patricie

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question asked: 02 Jul '12, 14:40

question was seen: 2,807 times

last updated: 03 Jul '12, 16:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum