Why do OSM search results for various roads in Thorpe Hesley village indicate links with other locations in South Yorkshire . Some are linked with Blackburn, a suburb in Rotherham and others with Ecclesfield, a suburb in Sheffield, with no reference to the village Look here http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=53.459082&lon=-1.435533&zoom=18&layers=M Examples :-
Sough Hall Road, Blackburn, Rotherham.
Thorpe Street, Blackburn, Rotherham. Are these errors easily rectified and what method should be used. There are other areas in South Yorkshire that have the same problem. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question - search for 'Nominatim' to see similar questions" by Richard 02 Jul '12, 10:34
Streets and places get linked to town nodes that are nearby but which may not be the correct one.Drawing polygons for each town may fix it. see my question http://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/5745/town-nodes-and-polygons-that-fail-to-confine-the-name-within-an-area Thanks for the link andy, it's very helpful. It's a pity Richard hasn't got the time to provide a little coaching help.
(02 Jul '12, 11:44)
As you can see andy , Ive no points to award you. Thanks for your help.
(02 Jul '12, 12:06)
You should see a little "tick" below the downvote button - if you click that it "accepts as answer", moves it to the top of the list of answers, and gives 15 points to the person who gave the answer.
(02 Jul '12, 13:09)
SomeoneElse ♦
Thanks for that Clue and I've followed your suggestion.
(02 Jul '12, 13:39)