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I would like to add a static map to e.g. a printed party invitation or blog post. But I would like it to look fancy so can't use the standard style shown on the website. Are there easy to use and install (wysiwyg) tools and programs to create and design some nice looking maps?

asked 12 Jul '10, 17:58

apmon's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

In addition to the answer given at your other question you could look at Maperitive which is a desktop application which allows you to tweak the style of map quite finely. It is designed for generating static maps so it fits your use-case quite well.

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answered 12 Jul '10, 18:02

Matt%20Williams's gravatar image

Matt Williams
accept rate: 10%

While osmarender can be used to render your own map it's not wysiwyg, nor has a fancy default style. You can try if the osmarender-frontend is userfriendly enough for you needs, or you can have a look at Cloudmade's style editor.

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answered 12 Jul '10, 18:05

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

I think QGIS can be useful, as it has many style elements ready to use and tweak. It can directly use PBF export files, which is very handy, since you can easily find them for interesting areas.

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answered 18 Dec '17, 04:23

kocio's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Yeah, if he wants it 'fancy' he'd better go with QGIS which can make very beautiful maps!

(18 Dec '17, 19:03) Privatemajory

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question asked: 12 Jul '10, 17:58

question was seen: 13,337 times

last updated: 18 Dec '17, 19:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum