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I was trying to configure Nominatim OSM DB on my own server and facing so many issues while using planet file. So as per the suggestions of experts on forums, I did this job for particular small city "Bremen" in Germany and I was successful to do so. Now my issue is, when I am checking the lat/lon of a place from that city I am getting following result:

My query: http://MY_SERVER/reverse.php?format=xml&lat=53.078717&lon=8.801239

My result:

<reversegeocode timestamp="Thu, 28 Jun 12 07:38:58 +0200" attribution="Data Copyright OpenStreetMap Contributors, Some Rights Reserved. CC-BY-SA 2.0." querystring="format=xml&lat=53.078717&lon=8.801239">
    <result place_id="127453" osm_type="way" osm_id="25418182" lat="53.0784786859461" lon="8.80216752051522">
        Straßenbahn Linie 2,3,3S, Germany
    <tram>Straßenbahn Linie 2,3,3S</tram>

While you can see the actual result here for the same lat/ lon:

So please suggest why all this tags (pedestrian, neighbourhood, suburb , city, state, postcode etc.) are missing on my server. what is my mistake in configuration or import? What can I do to solve this?

More (Another question), As I have already nominatm installed for one city on my server and now I want to do it for planet. So should I do all the things from the begening? or there is some update kind of mechanism which will upgrade my installation to planet level from the current city level? Please anwser.

asked 28 Jun '12, 07:03

Ravi%20Kotwani's gravatar image

Ravi Kotwani
accept rate: 0%

Small extracts have the disadvantage that they often do not contain the relations of higher administrative units, city and state in your case. Or they are missing some of the boundary ways, which probably happens with the neighborhood.

There are two possibilities to fix this:

  1. Import a large enough extract, Germany should do in your case. You will have to start the import from scratch.
  2. Add the missing boundaries. For this you need to find out the relation ID of the boundary or boundaries in question and then import them with:

    ./utils/update.php --import-relation <relation id>

    Then reindex the entire database like this:

    psql -d nominatim -c 'UPDATE placex SET indexed_status=2'
    ./utils/setup.php --index
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answered 29 Jun '12, 08:17

lonvia's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

Thanks for your answer. I am going with solution one. So doing process from scratch for Germany.

(29 Jun '12, 10:06) Ravi Kotwani

@lonvia Hi, I have imported the Germany data from scratch as you told in your option 1. Still I am facing the same problem.

Some details: 1043 tables are in DB and following errors I faced while importing: -- type "planet_osm_ways" does not exist -- type "nearplace" does not exist -- type "nearfeature" does not exist -- relation "planet_osm_rels" does not exist

Please suggest the solution.

(02 Jul '12, 11:38) Ravi Kotwani

If "planet_osm_ways" and "planet_osm_rels" do not exist then something went wrong already with the osm2pgsql import. Make sure you have the latest version of Nominatim (not older than a week) and that you use the version of osm2pgsql that comes with it.

(02 Jul '12, 20:13) lonvia

I upgraded my osm2pgsql version as you told. But still facing all the same error. There was no difference even in one small error. Everything was same as previous. Please suggest any other solution. Thanks in advance.

(03 Jul '12, 14:28) Ravi Kotwani


is a old questiond, but i resolved with reindexed data, give the solution for someone in need ...

whit this resolved indexed all "place", before the "placex" is a 30%, now is a 100% of a "place" table.

./utils/update.php --import-file <osmfile.osm>
./utils/update.php --index

Gracias a todos por su ayuda

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answered 15 Nov '13, 17:26

alveniz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 28 Jun '12, 07:03

question was seen: 9,319 times

last updated: 15 Nov '13, 17:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum