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Hi there,

I'm wondering if it was possible to specify in an easy way which place name label should take precedence over others.

Concretely, there are a bunch of place=city's around where I live ( but the "wrong" city label is rendered --- Cessnock has only 18,000 odd inhabitants, where as Newcastle has around 500,000. Yet Cessnock's label is rendered, not Newcastle's. How can I give the renderer a clue that he better ought render Newcastle's label?

asked 28 Jun '12, 06:53

floz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

have you already tried to type "label" in the text search box at the top of this site ... according to the headlines from the results, you can read some informations there ... maybe someone other also has found misplaced labels ...

(29 Jun '12, 15:49) stephan75

The standard map style displays lables in the following order:

  1. place=country | state
  2. place=city | metropolis | town and capital=yes
  3. place=city | metropolis | town | large_town | small_town
  4. place=suburb | village | large_village | hamlet | locality | isolated_dwelling | farm

Different may styles can display tags in any other order and may use other tags like population=. You should not tag for the renderer but rather use the documentation in the wiki to decide how to tag.

In your case I would say that Newcastle is a city while Cessnock is only a town.

permanent link

answered 29 Jun '12, 18:41

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks very much!

(30 Jun '12, 09:18) floz

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question asked: 28 Jun '12, 06:53

question was seen: 3,926 times

last updated: 30 Jun '12, 09:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum