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Recently I've added 2 roundabouts to the location near my home, as they were not in the maps yet. The first seems to be ok, but the second is somehow wrong, because the navigation, that uses openstreetmaps as a source for generating map files for itself, refuses to route a way through it.

It's most probably my mistake as I am quite new to this editation, though I have experience with vector editors etc.

Is it possible to test the changes made using some kind of website map?

This is the roundabout


asked 27 Jun '12, 13:08

harvester's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It may be that it doesn't like oneway=-1. Roundabouts don't need a oneway tag, but you then have to draw them in the correct orientation. There is a button in Potlatch 2 to reverse the direction if you need to.

Of course, the above depends what routing implementation you are using and how often they update their routing data. OSRM is pretty up to date usually, and the roundabout looks OK to me testing there.

permanent link

answered 27 Jun '12, 13:42

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

Thanks to the link for map testing! However it really seems to be ok, I'll try to contact the GPS autors.

(27 Jun '12, 14:36) harvester

Interesting, I've found out that the neighbour roudabout has one-way off and roundabout on, while the problematic one had both on, and the other I made, that works, has on the other hand roundabout off and one-way on. So I assume that the two restrictions together cause the problem. Now I set it all to one-way off, roundabout on and I'll see till the next maps update for the navigation. BTW it's the free MapFactor Navigator Free.

(27 Jun '12, 14:50) harvester

Ive had a look at your your roundabout in the link to testing in EdLoach's answer above. It appears to work Ok now but the direction of traffic flow is still set to clockwise ,as in UK. I sugggest this needs to be anti clockwise in your part of the world. In Potlatch2 the direction of flow can be changed by firstly highlighting the roundabout and then use the icon to the right of the Delete button in the bottom righthand corner of the screen, the one with arrows on, to change the direction .The arrows on the roundabout will change direction as you edit.

(12 Jul '12, 18:58) BillyWizz

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question asked: 27 Jun '12, 13:08

question was seen: 4,014 times

last updated: 12 Jul '12, 18:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum