How to download only the amenities from OSM data? Thanks |
Currently, we have about 4.6 millions objects tagged as 'amenity', 1.2m as 'leisure' and 0.5m as 'tourism'. Fur such amount of data, you cannot use one of the servers delivering extracts (like XAPI or compatibles). For you, I would recommend to download a full planet dump and use one tool extracting the data from the file like Osmosis, Osmium or OSMFilter. Probably the easiest to use is Osmosis (but maybe not the fastest). |
If you do mean the possible amenity values that can hold then you can get them from 1
If you want a list of the actual values that people have used, you need to look at taginfo: Unfortunately a number wiki pages are updated by people who "like to tell people how to tag things" rather than "document how people have tagged things", which makes the wiki less valuable as documentation than it might be.
(06 Mar '15, 13:45)
SomeoneElse ♦
Yeah thanks a lot for the info.
(06 Mar '15, 13:47)
Rami Al-Salman
Could you specify which type of "amenities" you are looking for ? Did you check how they are tagged in OSM ? With the 'amenity' key or 'leisure' or 'tourism' ? Do u want them for the whole planet or just a country or a municipality ? Depending of that, you might have to use different methods to get them.
For the whole planet the key to 'amenity'. If it were possible to all: 'amenity' key and 'leisure' and 'tourism'. Thanks
Given the amount of data involved (see Pieren's answer below) perhaps it's worth asking what problem you're trying to solve? I'm sure that you don't just have a burning desire to have a very large list of amenities locally - you're doing that to solve a problem. It might help us to help you if you explain a bit about what that problem is.