I have troubles exporting this map: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=48.87601&lon=2.33668&zoom=15&layers=M On a different scale or any other maps I wanted to export works, just this not. Can anyone help? Thanks. Sabina |
You don't actually tell us what error(s) you are getting, but a wild guess on my behalf would be that the problems are due to the large amount of data present in the area. A possible solution would be to render the area yourself. For example with Maperitive (http://maperitive.net/) or TileMill (http://mapbox.com/tilemill/). The former will work directly with a city level extract of OSM data. 1
Another classic nice way to export is http://maposmatic.org/
(26 Jun '12, 12:05)
Vincent de P... ♦
Yep, definitely seems to be the problem of the large amount of data. I want to export the data. Will try with Maperitive or TileMill. Thanks!
(26 Jun '12, 13:39)
What format are you trying to export? How does it not work (faulty data, error messages, computer turning into a petunia, ...)? If you get error messages, what are they?
Tell us if you want to export "the data" or just "the map (the images, the tiles)". Because if you want the later, you don't have to use the function "export" from the main page which is exporting the data, not the map. And Paris data density is too high for a large scale export.