I have a web site developed in PHP, and would like to create new POIs in OpenStreetMap from that web site, much like an editor does. Is there any library or class PHP to do this? |
Check out the (outdated) list of clients on the wiki, and have a look at Ken Guest's Services_Openstreetmap code. If you build something that can be used to edit OSM, please make use of the OAuth scheme, so that users of your web interface have to register with OSM first and their edits are later submitted under their own account. Web services where edits from all users are submitted under the same account can be a problem because OSM has no means to identify or contact the individual user. Many Thanks
(26 Jun '12, 07:44)
Independent L
When I am not wrong, the framework around Yapis is written in PHP ... ask the maintainer Moenk for help if that fits for you. Maybe Wheelmap.org is similat to your aims? |